Visitor Information
1F Museum Facilities
Apa sam
Entrance Lobby
General information about the museum is available at the main entrance with videos displays giving an overview of the museum in Ainu and other languages. Facilities such as coin lockers and digital signage can also be found in this area.
Inoka nukar tumpu
Kampisos nukar tumpu
Centered on publications relating to Ainu history and culture, the specialist library is an open resource available to all. (No lending service is available, resources may only be used inside the library.)
Uwenewsar tumpu
Conference Room
The conference room has a maximum capacity of 150 and hosts events such as symposiums and workshops for visitors. Programs for school groups are also available.
Ikor oma kenru ihok usi
Museum Shop
A selection of Ainu crafts, original merchandise and books can be found at the museum shop. Drinks are also available for visitors to enjoy while looking out onto Lake Poroto.
2F Museum Facilities
Inkar usi
Observation Deck
Located on the way to the permanent exhibition room on the second floor, the observation deck offers an expansive panoramic view over the whole of Upopoy, Lake Poroto and Mt. Tarumae.
Ikor tumpu
Permanent Exhibition Room
The permanent exhibition introduces the Ainu language, history and culture from the perspective of the Ainu. The Ainu are an indigenous people to Hokkaido, Sakhalin, Tohoku and the Kuril Islands, and the exhibition spans the history of humankind in the region, from 30,000 years ago to the present day.
Sisak ikor tumpu
Special Exhibition Room
Working in collaboration with museums and other institutions throughout Japan and the world, the special exhibition contains exhibits on the latest studies and research into the history and culture of the Ainu and other indigenous peoples from around the globe. The 900 m2 space can be sub-divided to allow for the holding a variety of exhibitions.